A comparative study on inter-brain synchrony in real and virtual environments using hyperscanning [Link]
A review of Hyperscanning and Its Use in Virtual Environments [Link]
Eye-gaze, inter-brain synchrony, and collaborative VR in conjunction with online counselling: A pilot study [Link]
Inter-Brain Synchronization during Collaboration in Virtual Reality [Link]
Connecting the Brains via Virtual Eyes: Eye-Gaze Directions and Inter-brain Synchrony in VR [Link]
Social networking sites uses and psychological attachment need among Indonesian young adults population [Link]
Multidimensional Religiosity and Sensation-Seeking Behaviour [Link]
Symposium: “Mind the Brain!” Neuroscience in society, 21-22 November, 2014, Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Germany (participant)
Multidimensional Religiosity and Sensation-Seeking Behaviour. 72nd Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, June 2 – 4, 2011, Toronto, Canada
Inter-brain Synchrony and Eye Gaze Direction During Collaboration in VR [Link will be posted soon]. CHI2022, New Orleans, LA, April 30 - May 5, 2022
Seminar & Workshops
Participant, Neuromarketing World Forum, Singapore, March 7 – 9, 2018
Invited speaker, “Exercising self-control of children: Neuropsychological perspective”, Rumah Parenting, Bintaro, Indonesia, 17 October, 2016
Invited speaker, “Workshop research capacity building towards the implementation of the National Institute of Mental Health in commemoration of international day of mental health”, Ministry of Health Indonesia, 06 October, 2016
Invited speaker, “Sexual deviants from neuroscientific perspective”, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, 02 May, 2016.
Invited speaker, “Sexual deviant behaviors: Neuropsychological perspective”, Muhammadiyah University, Tangerang, Indonesia, 24 April, 2016
Invited speaker, “Brain and online pornography addiction”, Kita dan Buah Hati Foundation, Jakarta, Indonesia, 01 April, 2016
Participant, Symposium: “Mind the Brain!” Neuroscience in society, 21-22 November, 2014, Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Germany
Multidimensional Religiosity and Sensation-Seeking Behaviour. 72nd Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, June 2 – 4, 2011, Toronto, Canada.
Inter-brain Synchrony and Eye Gaze Direction During Collaboration in VR . CHI2022, New Orleans, LA, April 30 - May 5, 2022
The Role of Eye Gaze in Interbrain Synchrony: Applications in Virtual Reality Based Counselling
International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR)
ISMAR 2021
4-8 October, 2021, Bari, Italy
Connecting the Brain via Virtual Eyes: Eye-Gaze Directiosn and Inter-brain Synchrony in VR
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), Late-Breaking Work
CHI 2021
8-13 May, 2021, Yokohama, Japan